Live freeze-dried vaccine. Aid in preventing Fowl Pox and Avian Encephalomyelitis in chickens.
POXIMUNE® AE is a combined live vaccine containing Fowl Pox virus and Avian Encephalomyelitis virus. This vaccine is supplied as a freeze-dried preparation.
POXIMUNE® AE is indicated as an aid in the prevention of Fowl Pox and Avian Encephalomyelitis.
- Store vaccine between +2°C and +8°C or 35°F and 45°F
- Protect from light
10 x 1000 dose vials with diluent and wing web applicators
To prevent losses in egg production and/or vertical transmission of avian encephalomyelitis virus to progeny, DO NOT ADMINISTER THIS VACCINE TO CHICKENS DURING OR NEAR EGG PRODUCTION!