Layer Day 2023

In conjunction with World Egg Day

On the occasion of World Egg Day 2023, the Ceva Malaysia celebrated "Layer Day 2023" alongside over 100 participants from 30 leading companies, as well as special guests including Malaysian Senator YB Dato' Dr. Ahmad Azam Bin Hamzah, Professor Dr. Abdul Rahman Omar, and officers from the Department of Veterinary Services Malaysia. 



This event dedicated to the laying hen sector enabled participants to learn all about Ceva's vectorized vaccines, which play a decisive role in protection against Newcastle Disease and H9 influenza.


Salmonella was also the subject of a focus, which enabled the team to reaffirm its commitment to offering our customers targeted vaccination programs, developed on the basis of needs in the field, with enhanced safety and efficacy. 


The day was enriched by knowledge sharing, insightful discussions and opportunities for everyone to consolidate their professional networks. 

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